Welcome to the Moon Dynamics 5 Steps to Abundance and Prosperity. 

Moon Dynamics - Where Natural Genius meets Cosmic Flow

Most entrepreneurs start out with an exciting dream or vision for their business, but reality soon kicks in and the new business that was going to the their ticket to wealth and freedom, starts to feel more like the job you wanted to leave, except even more hours and delayed paydays.

Let's not get started on the impact of the pandemic, the rise of ai and a plethora of people trying to sell you a solution to your problem. The real problem is that you don't even know what the real problem is! If only you had enough time and energy to have the headspace to work it out bedfore you blow the credit card again!

Research tells us that 1 in 5 businesses will fail within the first three years. What we don't know is how many entrepreneurs get stuck and fail to grow their business to its full potential. How many entrepreneurs fail to achieve their full potential? and what is the opportunity cost to them, their familiies, communities and the world?

Moon Dynamics offers a pathway for abundant changemakers and entrepreneurs who are already on the journey with Wealth and Entrepreneur Dynamics to get into personal flow with nature and the Cosmos, to practice more self care, and to consciously attract abundance in their life and business for the good of all

What impact will you make in the world when you are no longer holding yourself back?

What will be possible when you have the health wealth, love and success you desire?




(33 reviews)
Sue Jackson
Sue Jackson
United Kingdom


Microdegree Outcomes

Welcome to this Moon Dynamics - 5 Steps to Abundance and Prosperity

We're taking you on a magical mission to the Moon to discover the 5 areas that may be holding you back in life and business without you even knowing it and the 5 steps you can take to move towards an abundant and prosperous life.




Your Microdegree Mentor
Sue Jackson
Sue Jackson Mentor

Sue Jackson has been advising business owners and leaders professionally for over 25 years. She is a qualified accountant and tax adviser in the UK and left the corporate world to run her own accounting practice for 9 years before retraining as a business and natural leadership coach.

Sue is a Performance Consultant with Entrepreneur’s Institute, a One of Many™ Women’s Coach and a certified Moonologer™. She also has a BA degree in Modern Languages from Bradford University in the UK.

Sue helps entrepreneurs and purpose-driven business owners to design their ideal life and business in tune with the power of nature.

As a Mechanic profile, Sue loves taking ideas and translating them into new forms. She created MOON Dynamics to integrate the Genius of Wealth Dynamics with the Cosmic Flow of the Moon – a unique approach to optimising personal development, and business practice in this new Age of Imagination.

Sue's message to humanity?

"True success comes from within. The key is to tap into your dreams and believe you can be, do and have anything you set your heart on.

When you build your business from a place of deep self-awareness, cosmic wisdom, and natural flow you expand your personal abundance, success, and impact beyond business and inspire others to do the same.”




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