Are you a coach, trainer, mentor, or educator who is actively growing their business, but can’t possibly take more clients on board because you have already maxed out your time? Are you needing to leverage your time through more people? 

Do you have an amazing proven process of working with your clients, that others would really like to learn and become certified in delivering? If so, you may be ready to create an upgrade of your business model: your own certification program! 

By teaching others how to use your content and your business model, you can leverage your time, your impact and your revenue. This could be your opportunity to add a 6 figure number to your income.  Take a look at one of our proven certification programs as an example, the “Flow Consultant Certification” here


112 Students
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Your Microdegree Mentor
michelle clarke
michelle clarke Mentor

Michelle is a Blaze Genius who just loves building Communities and Partnerships! Michelle founded Talent Dynamics in Partnership with Roger James Hamilton in 2009. Talent Dynamics is an extension of Wealth Dynamics for large teams and corporates. It grew into over 20 countries with over 500 mentors, before integrating into Entrepreneurs Institute in 2015. Michelle is now the Chief Partnerships Officer for GeniusU, where she mainly works with the top level partners, to grow their businesses and communities on GeniusU.