Create beautiful pitch decks that convey to your ideal customer that you understand their problems and have their ideal solution.

First let me express my gratitude to Roger Hamilton for his templates and his input into my pitch decks. If sharing them here helps then please make sure you let him know how grateful you are!

I created this microdegree because a number of people were asking me for my pitch decks which I am happy to share. I wanted to share some additional resources too so this is step by step how I put my pitch decks together including where to find beautiful (free) images and build the deck into a compelling use of images and words to tell your customer's story and bring them on a journey with you.

Throughout the course I'll give you access to my decks which are copies of my actual pitch decks for our financial education business.

At the end, leave a comment and I'll create a giving impact in a project in B1G1.

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Deborah Harris
Deborah Harris


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Deborah Harris
Deborah Harris Mentor

I have a passion for education. 

I believe in never losing learning so I like to make sure in all of our businesses when someone asks me "how do I..." I record it and keep it for the next time someone asks me the same thing. Over the years I have built a lesson library of over 1200 lessons mainly around how to use a particular piece of accounting software or how to convert data from one system to another.

One of the beautiful people in our Crystal Circle group, Ute Lambrecht, suggested I create a microdegree out of creating my pitch decks so Ute, this is for you.