This Microdegree is about changing your mindset and your "heartset" i.e. how you feel about anything.


For you as an Entrepreneur, healing your mind and heart and being at peace is essential.


Revitalising sleep, physical exercise, nourishment, an empowering mindset, physical health, personal and spiritual development, happiness and inner peace, take your pick, you need to start somewhere to have them all. I invite you to make this Microdegree your next step.


In this Microdegree I want to give you an insight into a a reality where you feel at peace, in control of creating your own outcome.


A reality that, in spite of having eluded you for years, is really much closer than you think.


This reality is yours to claim if you follow a few simple steps.


One is having the courage to open up to the fact that to see it and experience it, you are going to have to let go of many of your habitual thoughts and actions and align with a completely new version of yourself.


Many entrepreneurs identify with going through roadblocks and challenges as the find themselves growing personally and spiritually.


A spiritual awakening is you shifting your focus and values, ideas around success and money might change, letting go of old paradigms can be challenging and adapting to new ideas takes time.


Letting go of the old self and stepping into a new version takes courage, trust and the ability to accept guidance.


My offer to you, is to be your guide on this part of the journey to begin with, as I have not only taken it myself but have assisted hundreds of individuals on their transformational journey.


Some of my clients stay with me for many years or at least come back after long breaks as they hit new "road blocks" large or small that they request assistance in navigating.


This Microdegree is only the beginning and a little insight into what is in store for you if you decide and commit to creating a better reality for yourself. 


The work I offer to do with you is truly transformational and it takes commitment, both in time and money. But, to give you a head start, I created this Microdegree where I include some of the tools I will introduce you to while we work together 1:1 or in future group courses.


We dig into mindset, EFT, Hypnotherapy, The energetic (emotional) scale and much more.



This Microdegree includes Rapid Transformational Therapy, a modality that involves apects of hypnotherapy. It is not for those who have been diagnosed with Epilepsy. If you have, I can most likely work with you 1:1, but do not accept the RTT part of this Microdegree as a precaution.


Microdegree Outcomes



By starting here, you are not only doing this for yourself, but for everyone you come into contact with as well, as their experience around you will transform as you step into being the best version of yourself.


You become limitless.


Once you step up in to a higher frequency, you give everyone around you the opportunity as well to step up.


Have your heard the phrase "Peace begins with I" ? 


When you step into inner peace, your whole reality transforms.


When you start this journey with me, you will find that people, circumstances, events and opportunities around you change. 


As you change, so will your envirionment and that is sometimes confusing.


My role is to help you identify what steps you need to take to change and to navigate the world around you as you do start to change. I help you step by step while you shift the internal dialougue you have with yourself from criticism to encouragement. 


Changing how you talk to yourself, in your subconscious mind as well as consciously, is one of the most important changes you can make.


In this Microdegree, this is what we will focus on.


So let's begin.

Your Microdegree Mentor
Helga Jensdottir
Helga Jensdottir Mentor

Helga Jensdóttir is a Rapid Transformatioal Therapist, Personal Empowerment Coach, EFT Practitioner and former Air Traffic Controller and instrucror for student controllers.


Helga has worked with hundreds of talented, spiritually open entrepreneurs who during some point in their life, were experiencing depression, anxiety, self sabotage, procrastination, fear of rejection, fear of failure or countless other limiting beliefs or states of mind that affected their happiness and success rate. Helga herself, suffered from depression and anxiety for over 20 years of her life an she has found ways to overcome those limitations with ease.



I empower leaders to develop emotional wellbeing and unlock the power of their voice, so they can face and manage conflict with confidence to be able to collaboratively lead with vision and influence change. 

Degree Steps

The words we use
The Work of Byron Katie
RTT Recordings
Introduction to EFT
EFT Demonstration
Master Your Mindset