
Sandi Herrera
Boston, MA, USA
Mentor rank #39 of 1689
Experienced Entrepreneur
Entrepreneur level: Scaleup
Global Culture & Edupreneur Coach ~ Creating the Playground for the Conscious Educator Movement
Social media links:
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  • Badge b1g1


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Certifications & Assessments

  • 10
  • Degree icon
  • Health spectrum test
  • Health dynamics test

Mentor experience

Sandi has spent her entire career working with diverse populations to amplify the value of the unique amazing humans we all are. Having trained educators and leaders from across the US, Thailand, Bali, New Zealand, Australia, the UK and Mexico Sandi is well versed in the complexities and the commonalities that educators, edupreneurs, leaders and entrepreneurs face globally.

Top Purpose

Quality Education

Quality education and lifelong learning for all

Top 5 Passions

  • Freedom


  • Service


  • Awareness


  • Leadership


  • Creativity


Sandi's Genius



Great at starting things, but not so good at finishing, like Albert Einstein & Richard Branson.



  • 10

    Flow Consultant

  • 7

    Genius Guide to Health

  • 3

    MMP Infrared to Red: C...

  • 20

    Your Legacy

  • 16

    Your Passions

  • Personal development

    10x Your Impact

  • Entrepreneurship

    How To Earn Affiliate ...

  • 2020

    2020 Ready Accelerator

  • Lifestyle

    How to run an Entrepre...

  • Degree icon

    Genius Guide / Youth C...

  • 17

    Your Purpose

  • Management

    Entrepreneur Dynamics

  • Sales

    Marketing 5.0 Microsch...

  • Degree icon

    Microschool Design & B...

  • Academics

    5-Day $50k Global Educ...

  • Health dynamics

    Health Dynamics Microd...

  • Health dynamics

    Health Dynamics Toxici...

  • Health and fitness

    Health Dynamics Spectr...

  • 9

    Talent Dynamics

  • 15

    Your Genius

  • Degree icon 1717617596

    Your Genius

  • 18

    MMP Red to Orange: Con...

  • 2

    The Millionaire Master...

  • 19

    Yellow to Green: Scali...

  • Degree icon

    Teen Genius Quiz

  • Operations

    The Beginner's Guide t...

  • Lifestyle

    Wealth Dynamics Master...

  • Sales

    Investor Dynamics Mast...

  • Entrepreneurship

    Mental Health Recovery...

  • 4

    MMP Orange to Yellow: ...

  • Marketing

    Marketing 5.0 Microsch...

  • Communications

    AI Avatar Microschool ...


  • Health and fitness

    Happy Educator Quiz


  • Health and fitness

    Happy Educator Quiz

  • Sales

    Educator To Edupreneur...

Giving Impacts


Member of (View All)

  • Ai avatar microschool   circle

    AI Avatar Microschool

  • Ai avatar microschool   circle

    AI Avatar Microschool

  • No icon

    Investor Dynamics Masters

  • No icon

    Investor Dynamics Masters

  • Wd4ew small flower 3

    Wealth Dynamics for Evolutionary Women

Leader of

  • Education

    Quality Education


Past (View All)

  • Desktop logo 1  1

    Culture Masterclass: Your Roadmap/Flight Path


  • Desktop desktop gu icon

    GLOBAL ENTREPRENEUR SUMMIT - 1st & 2nd Dec 22 [Virtual]


  • Desktop humanizedu logo final1

    Youth Mental Health First Aid Certification Clone


  • Desktop humanizedu logo final1

    Youth Mental Health First Aid Certification


  • Desktop 4k hu complete logo

    Revolutionizing School Culture: A United Effort


Created (View All)

  • Desktop 4k hu complete logo

    Revolutionizing School Culture: A United Effort


  • Desktop humanizedu logo final1

    Youth Mental Health First Aid Certification Clone


  • Desktop humanizedu logo final1

    Youth Mental Health First Aid Certification


  • Desktop logo 1  1

    Culture Masterclass: Your Roadmap/Flight Path


  • Desktop logo 1  1

    Culture Masterclass: Relationship Trust



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Recently Added

Michelle Nolting

Sandi is a phenomenal leader and is super excited about changing the education system for everyone not just young people, but also educators. She is a brilliant mentor and educator herself and I love working with her!

Wendy Tang

I enjoyed Sandi's presentation in the Marketing 5.0 micro-school January 2022's edition. Not only the presentation was filled with valuable content, she also weaved in many personal stories and examples to make the content engaging and palpable. I especially like how she invited the audience to take a pause and reflect, as she reminded us: "We are not meant to be good at everything. It's okay to not know. We are good enough where we are at and we are worthy of our dreams and desires." Thank you.

Ashraf Jamie

I'm attending the Marketing 5.0 microschool where Sandi is a teacher & loved her content, which is Super relevant to entrepreneurs, learning & working environments. She generously answered some tough questions I asked and I shall definitely be following this Amazing thought leader's work.

See all 18 reviews
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