
Bruce Muzik Member
Bruce Muzik
Location Unknown
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Certifications & Assessments

  • Health spectrum test
  • Health dynamics test

Top Purpose

Quality Education

Quality education and lifelong learning for all

Bruce's Genius



Great at starting things, but not so good at finishing, like Albert Einstein & Richard Branson.



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    MMP Infrared to Red: C...

  • 2

    The Millionaire Master...

  • 15

    Your Genius

  • Degree icon 1717617596

    Your Genius



Giving Impacts


Member of (View All)

  • Mmp round icon %281%29

    The Millionaire Master Plan

  • 01 dynamo

    Dynamo Genius

  • Purpose test

    Purpose Test

  • Genius test

    Genius Test Takers Circle

  • Education

    Quality Education



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    Debra Sofia Magdalene

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    Debby Blake-Satchel

  • Donna Still

    Donna Still

  • Amanda Kroetsch

    Amanda Kroetsch


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  • Sean Campbell

    Sean Campbell


Bruce is great at inspiring people to believe in their dreams. He has helped me create so much more goodness in my life. Since first listening to Bruce's inspiring audio's in 2010 I have married the love of my life, I've created my own business and my income has grown significantly, I have travelled more in the past 3 years than all previous 35 years before that, and more. Thank you Bruce!

Bruce has been an inspiration to me for the last 8 years and has provided invaluable insights for me into relationships, Love, intimacy and understanding people. He brings a warmth and a sincerity into his lectures that shows his authenticity.

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