
Deborah Gibbs
| Lord
Mentor rank #77 of 1690
Experienced Entrepreneur
Entrepreneur level: Startup
Social media links:
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Certifications & Assessments

  • Health spectrum test
  • Health dynamics test

Top Purpose

Quality Education

Quality education and lifelong learning for all

Top 5 Passions

  • Service


  • Teaching


  • Learning


  • Leadership


  • Family


Deborah's Genius



Takes care of the detail, but often over-cautious, like Mark Zuckerberg & Benjamin Franklin.

Deborah's Profile



Lords are great at the detail, with strong Steel energy.

Top 10 values

  • Gratitude
  • Resilience
  • Uniqueness
  • Respect
  • Faith
  • Family
  • Service
  • Honesty
  • Stability
  • Loyalty



  • 2020

    2020 Ready Accelerator

  • Health dynamics

    Health Dynamics Microd...

  • Business

    The 4 Keys to Success

  • 3

    MMP Infrared to Red: C...

  • Academics

    5-Day $50k Global Educ...

  • Communications

    Marketing 5.0 Microcourse


  • Strategy

    Leader 5.0 Microschool

  • 8

    Wealth Dynamics

  • 2

    The Millionaire Master...

  • Media and pr

    Educator 5.0 Microscho...

  • Strategy

    Educator 5.0 Registrat...

  • Entrepreneurship

    How To Earn Affiliate ...

  • Degree icon

    Genius Metaversity - G...

  • Management

    Entrepreneur Dynamics

  • 15

    Your Genius

  • Degree icon 1717617596

    Your Genius

  • 9

    Talent Dynamics

  • 13

    Find Your Flow

  • 17

    Your Purpose

  • 16

    Your Passions

  • 6

    Genius Guide to Success

  • Communications

    AI Entrepreneur Micros...


Giving Impacts


Member of (View All)

  • No icon

    AI Entrepreneur Microschool

  • No icon

    AI Entrepreneur Microschool

  • Gu icon blue

    GeniusU Investor Campus

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    Entrepreneur Fast Track Vancouver

  • Sigbanner1128x191

    Sustainable Business 5.0


  • No icon

    Small Business Consulting - Monthly rate (minimum 6 months contract)



  • Mentor circle icon

    Leadership 5.0 Microschool


  • Mentor circle icon

    Global Education Summit


  • Desktop gem logo  1

    Live GEM Webinar - July 2021 [TOMORROW]


  • Desktop gem logo  1

    Live GEM Webinar - August 2021



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Philippa Moss

Deborah is passionate and intentional in serving her clients. She has a unique way of conveying information in an enthusiastic thought-provoking way. She encourages as well as challenge her clients to be the best version of themselves while pursuing goals and/or living out their dreams. She is definitely someone you should have on your team or in your rolodex, she can make your business or idea come to light and life.

Shatrisha Green

I can confidently say She has been doing this way before she started so this. It has been well over 10 years since she came into my life, and every year I have grown in business and life because of her knowledge and desire to see me better. My favorite part is the joy I see in her as she obtains more and more knowledge, not to keep to herself but to share with as many as she possible can. Thank you for walking me through the hard times and guiding me through my on brain. I will tell the world, she is the real deal.

Laura Hartley

Has been a pleasure to facilitate on educaor 5.0 with Deborah throughout the 4 weeks she showed up, engaged and at the end had a solid plan. She consistently supported her peers in the chat and breakout rooms. Looking forward to seeing her business flourish!

See all 7 reviews
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