Mentor experience
Hi, I'm glad you are here! Here's a bit about me. I play in the space 'where heart and soul, meets serious business'. As an entrepreneur, business growth strategist and consciousness mentor I'm devoted to helping leaders achieve ultimate success in life + business. Having founded a system for self-awareness and development back in 2007 based on both modern EQ principles and ancient wisdom from eastern philosophy and western practice; I've personally coached thousands of individuals to shift their patterning and step into a great self awareness and performance. A business consultant (and former accountant) for over 25 years I've been in the trenches of over 2000 businesses from a very diverse range of industries. My focus is on supporting founders and their teams with consultancy and training in both operational and strategic leadership. In 2019 I partnered with Entrepreneurs Institute looking after key business partnerships and Roger Hamilton's private mentoring program as well as being a mentor on the program supporting clients and fellow mentors. I'm here to support your business growth and YOU as an entrepreneur.
Top Purpose
Strengthen partnerships across all the goals
Top 5 Passions
Donna's Genius
Great at starting things, but not so good at finishing, like Albert Einstein & Richard Branson.
Donna's Profile
Creators are great at getting things started, and terrible at finishing.
Top 10 values
- Awareness
- Growth
- Presence
- Resilience
- Adventure
- Freedom
- Collaboration
- Love
- Trust
- Honesty
Genius Guide to Success
Genius Guide to Health
Your Passions
How To Earn Affiliate ...
LinkedIn top 5% Profile
Health Dynamics Microd...
7 steps to Cash Flow S...
Pre iLAB Microdegree
Clarify - Plan - Deliver
Creating More Impact O...
10x Your Impact
The Trusted Buyers Club
Entrepreneur Summer Sc...
Design & Build an UpWo...
Genius Entrepreneur Ma...
Crisis Leadership Acad...
Cash Flow Crash Course
Microschool Design & B...
Sales 5.0 Microcourse
Wealth Dynamics Master...
Genius Group Partners ...
Leader 5.0 Microschool
GeniusU Mentor Onboarding
Marketing 5.0 Microsch...
Marketing 5.0 Microcourse
Wealth Dynamics Master...
Trust & Inspire Micros...
Sales 5.0 Microcourse
Cash Flow 5.0 Microschool
Entrepreneur Fast Trac...
Wealth Dynamics Master...
Investor 5.0
Genius Metaversity - G...
2020 Ready Accelerator
MMP Red to Orange: Con...
AI Investor Summit 2023
Marketing 5.0 Microsch...
Entrepreneur Dynamics
Your Genius
Your Genius
AI Entrepreneur Micros...
Strategic Partnerships...
MMP Infrared to Red: C...
Find Your Flow
Your Legacy
MMP Orange to Yellow: ...
AI ToolKit
Genius Group Onboarding
AI Entrepreneur Micros...
Yellow to Green: Scali...
Flow Consultant
Flow Consultant
Wealth Dynamics
Talent Dynamics
Your Purpose
iLAB Mentor
The Millionaire Master...
Community 5.0 Microsch...
Giving Impacts
Member of (View All)
3 Days Bootcamp: LEVERAGE YOUR NATURAL TALENTS ( Oct 2024)
AI Avatar Microschool
AI Entrepreneur Microschool
AI Entrepreneur Microschool
Leader of (View All)
Past (View All)
Global Education Summit
Entrepreneur Fast Track - 9th November 2021
Brisbane Entrepreneur & Investor Social May 2023
Global A.I. Investor Summit 2023
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Excellent presentation and 3days. I liked the clarity and the simplicity with which you explained the concepts . I am a supporter with star ( Very good people person), as my secondary and yet a steel by training (Accountant, Investment Fund Manager) but also an NLP Life coach and Business coach. So you have clarified for me where I need to play in terms of which coaching clients I should focus on