Luca's Circles 5 circles

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Private Crypto Investor Community
This is the exclusive community for investors who have purchased access to the Crypto Investor Club.
Crypto Investor Club
We provide investors with the knowhow needed to safely navigate the crypto investing world. Our approach is to walk through all the different steps one by one, to turn absolute beginners with no previous experience in this field into confident users, capable of easily enter...
Crypto Investor Circle
This circle is a safe space to learn and share our experiences with Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain technology. Please introduce yourself and ask any questions that will help you understand this sector. No question is a stupid question, so ask away and let's all learn together.
The Italian Vegan
I started this circle to share my passion about food. So many italian classic recipes are naturally vegan, so there is no need to reinvent the wheel! I will be showing you, through live cooking demonstrations, how to cook some very simple, easy to prepare in a few minutes, but...
Your Home Our Home
We offer a home away from home in London, by setting up fully serviced apartments in Central locations and making them available for short let use for tourism, business, or relocations. From 2 days to a few months, our apartments come fully furnished, with linen, towels,...