Elizabeth's Circles 3 circles

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Kingston Entrepreneur Social
This circle supports the Kingston Entrepreneur Social events which will be held monthly in Kingston, Jamaica. Here we will discuss topics of interest to purpose-driven entrepreneurs and the presentations made at our monthly events will be posted here.
Release, Re-Energize, Reset
The Circle is for Women Entrepreneurs and Leaders who want to prepare themselves to harness the opportunities of next decade and to reap the benefits of Society 5.0 and beyond. Here we are going to be dealing with mind-set change and how to make the necessary internal...
Limitless Transformation Coaching and Training Services Ltd.
Established as a Limited Liability Company in 2015 in Jamaica, the Founder, Elizabeth Terry, is the region's only NLP, Time Line Therapy(R) and Hypnosis trainer recognized by the American Board of NLP and Hypnosis and the Time Line Therapy(R) Association. She is also the only...