
Jude Ugwuegbulam Citizen
Jude Ugwuegbulam
United Kingdom
Startup Entrepreneur
I help business owners gain clarity, control & accountability of the GDPR resulting in peace of mind
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Certifications & Assessments

  • Health spectrum test
  • Health dynamics test

Top Purpose

Quality Education

Quality education and lifelong learning for all

Top 5 Passions

  • Wealth


  • Business


  • Partner


  • Freedom


  • Leadership


Jude's Genius



Grounded, but often gets lost in activity, like Nelson Mandela & Mother Teresa.

Top 10 values

  • Growth
  • Gratitude
  • Perseverance
  • Freedom
  • Friendship
  • Love
  • Calm
  • Compassion
  • Peace
  • Patience



  • 6

    Genius Guide to Success

  • 3

    MMP Infrared to Red: C...

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    Genius Guide to Health

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    The Millionaire Master...

  • 2020

    2020 Ready Accelerator

  • Personal development

    10x Your Impact


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    Your Genius

  • Degree icon 1717617596

    Your Genius

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    Your Passions

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    Find Your Flow

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    Your Purpose


Giving Impacts


Member of (View All)

  • Group 3374

    Cash Flow 5.0 Microschool

  • Cashbox profile picture 120x120

    Cashbox Global - Predictable Growth & Income Streams for Financial Freedom

  • Group 4883

    GeniusU Citizens

  • Ico 1

    Entrepreneur 5.0

  • Beyond logo finale gold

    Sustainable Luxury Travel



  • Desktop fast forward summit logo2 fiverr switchon

    Fast Forward Summit London 2017


  • Desktop 101 accelerator logo profile grn

    Business Walkthrough - Planning Your Business Year


  • Desktop 101 accelerator logo profile grn

    The journey from £0 to over £7000 in under 4 weeks Pa...


  • Desktop gu icon

    2 Day European Entrepreneur Summit 2018 I London



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I spent a valuable afternoon listening to Jude relating his experience in the 101 Accelerator going from £0-7000 in less than 4 weeks with 1 client. His in-depth knowledge in Data Protection and compliance with GDPR is phenomenal, but his explanation of how he coaches his clients to understand the need for compliance and the associated fines for non-compliance is mind boggling. He has a clear understanding of what his clients’ need and how to turn them around so they understand what they need. Best of luck Jude you deserve to succeed mate!

I want to add a note here for Jude, I have started working with him on our need for bespoke GDPR advice for my UK based rehabilitation business. He brings a grounded, knowledgable and detailed perspective to an area that I find completely mystifying! I am reassured that we are working to together to secure data protection and privacy for customer, clients and team and no longer as daunted by the May deadline!
Thank you!

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