James's Circles 3 circles

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High Quality Copywriting — Articles, Blog Posts, Websites & Ads
Welcome! This circle is for any GeniusU Member, Citizen or Mentor looking for high-level copywriting. If you're looking for effective ads, smart blog posts, witty banner copy, professional articles or inspiring websites, you've definitely come to the right place. SEO and...
iLAB Accelerator
Circle for anyone interested in iLAB Entrepreneur Growth Accelerator program. If you are would like to accelerate your life, grow your business and start living your dream life of purpose, join us at iLAB.
iLAB Entrepreneur Growth Accelerator ~ Graduates
The GeniusU Circle for all Graduates of the iLAB Accelerator program. Here you can find content, engage with other iLAB Graduates and ask questions to the iLAB staff. We also encourage you to share your wins, your challenges and your ideas for your business.