
Celia Keenaghan
| Supporter
Mentor rank #75 of 1690
Experienced Entrepreneur
Mentor | Sociologist | Facilitator Creating Waves of Social Change
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Certifications & Assessments

  • 10
  • Health spectrum test
  • Health dynamics test

Mentor experience

I hold a PhD in Sociology from the Queen’s University Belfast and a Masters in Communications Studies from Dublin City University. I have trained as a mentor with Entrepreneurs Institute becoming Ireland’s first consultant certified in Wealth Dynamics and Talent Dynamics business development pathways for building trust and flow. I am passionate about bringing knowledge, skill and compassion to complex situations. I am a committed lifelong learner in sociology, community development, writing, music, spiritual, health and wellbeing practices. I engage regularly in lecturing in areas including health promotion and social justice, training in areas such as personal development for entrepreneurs and mentoring of learners at all ages and stages. I have worked across many sectors including business, public health, community development, education and social innovation. I have led many multi-stakeholder initiatives and have been a driver of key national initiatives including the pioneering youth charity I work part-time with the Institute of Technology, Sligo as a community-based education mentor. Creative collaborations include Yeats 150 Harp Festival of Moons; a series of 13 harp events across Ireland inspired by the poetry of WB Yeats. These recitals were hosted in Yeats-connected locations on each full moon during 2015.

Top Purpose

Partnerships for the Goals

Strengthen partnerships across all the goals

Top 5 Passions

  • Connection


  • Family


  • Fun


  • Environment


  • Partner


Celia's Genius



Loves people, but gets distracted quickly, like Marilyn Monroe & Oprah Winfrey.

Celia's Profile



Supporters are excellent with people, and will always be found in the middle of the party.

Top 10 values

  • Awareness
  • Contribution
  • Resilience
  • Creativity
  • Respect
  • Collaboration
  • Fun
  • Authenticity
  • Connection
  • Fairness



  • 18

    MMP Red to Orange: Con...

  • 13

    Find Your Flow

  • 3

    MMP Infrared to Red: C...

  • 4

    MMP Orange to Yellow: ...

  • 6

    Genius Guide to Success

  • 12

    The Affiliate Accelerator

  • Personal development

    10x Your Impact

  • Entrepreneurship

    How To Earn Affiliate ...

  • Management

    Entrepreneur Dynamics

  • 2020

    2020 Ready Accelerator

  • Business

    The 4 Keys to Success


  • 15

    Your Genius

  • Degree icon 1717617596

    Your Genius

  • 8

    Wealth Dynamics

  • 2

    The Millionaire Master...

  • 9

    Talent Dynamics

  • 10

    Flow Consultant

  • 17

    Your Purpose

  • 16

    Your Passions


Giving Impacts


Member of (View All)

  • Gu icon blue

    GeniusU Investor Campus

  • Shine your light   el logo

    The Courage To Shine

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    Entrepreneur 5.0

  • Ei logo gu ico

    Consultant Fast Track Circle

  • Aff2

    Genius 5.0 Affiliates Circle

Leader of

  • 02 blaze

    Blaze Genius


Past (View All)

  • Mentor circle icon

    GEM Call - March 2019


  • Desktop fc badge

    1st Consultant Fast Track Training Call


  • Mentor circle icon

    Fast Track Training for all FC's


  • Mentor circle icon

    Training with Kathleen Hamilton, Tracy and I on the b...


  • Mentor circle icon

    Partner call with Roger Hamilton - generate $1000-$20...



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Ann Keenaghan

Celia is a great listener and has a genuine interest in each person she works with. She can tune in to more than your words. Her work is powerful and transformative. In leading me to find my profile, which is a Star, she then helped me identify the star traits in myself. This in turn helped me see the areas where I was holding myself back. She helped me identify conditioning and patterns that were in turn leading me to continualy react in the same way to circumstances, to work and to planning. It didn't stop there. Celia then encouraged me to commit to making changes, however small within an agreed timeframe. While the changes may have appeared small, the results have been amazing. This star is shining brighter and soaring higher now. You can too.

Duncan Stanley

Celia is a gem! Warm, friendly and intelligent - full of blaze energy - a natural born Flow Consultant! Send Celia a friend request and connect with her and her growing GeniusU community

Eoin Kennedy

Celias relaxed manner and ability to translate and guide me through my profile turned what could have been a confused, contradictory experience into something valuable that I can work with. Her willingness to follow up on the insights with actions and commitments means it has a better chance of guiding behaviour rather that just an interesting experience.

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