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CLAVEM - Conscious Leadership
Company Type: Education
Conscious Leadership, providing Mentoring, Masterminds & Training for Business & Life
Top Purpose: 10 Quality Education

Clavem literally means key to success and as much as that can sound a trite phrase all of us on this planet whether we are employed, unemployed, working for ourselves running multiple businesses or retired  need to establish what our personal key to success is.

For some it will be to become the next Billionaire for others it will be to host a garden party for charity, to create multiple businesses, to walk on the beach, to build a new school for the education of the young or even play a part in revolutionising the education system as we know it! For each and everyone of us it will be something slightly different, the key is finding out what it is and then working to achieve it.

Our purpose is linked to our key for success, acknowledging and uncovering what they are - is truly powerful 

The founder of Clavem, Julie Hogbin, has for many years worked with management and leadership teams in business providing them with information on how to gain the best for and from themselves, their teams,  their businesses and ultimately put some good out into the world.

In 2011 Julie truly decided to take control her life and through an avalanche of new learning and experiences became financially independent. Whilst in this process she realised that there was an awful  lot to learn on top of what she had already learnt.

Clavem as a brand and as a company has come around after Business Talks and Workshops and Claim Your Destiny both failed to deliver what she really wanted to give back to the world.

#ConsciousLeadership is what is required to allow us to do what we want to do, when we change anything something else changes and all of those changes come from how and why we do what we do.

#ConsciousLeadership Is a movement and a community designed for people who want to be people and businesses for good.

Your key to success may be so close to the surface that all you really need is a slight tweak and of course for others the key to success may be buried deeper and may need more learning, more self awareness,  more change.

Julies true belief is that everything is possible and if she can do it so can you. We all are born perfect and then life happens, some of it good and some of it not so , We aren’t all born equal or into  the same environment, we don’t all have access to the same education, we all have our trials and tribulations it is how we deal with them that counts. 

Clavem will support Individuals and Businesses across the globe to do what is required to be a Person and a Business for good.

It will do this through:

Workshops on and offline


Masterminds and Mentoring 

Open and in-house training programmes

Partnering with the Entrepreneurs Institute 

Partnering with select providers of superb learning products 

Mentoring on GeniusU 

Creating a global Entrepreneur Apprentice Programme 

The main purpose of Clavem is to provide quality learning & education In a format that serves and supports people to access education in a format suitable for them.

Our Principles:

Challenge the status quo - we will do this for ourselves and others by challenging the conditioning and the old ways. We will look for new ways and new means for all seeking and creating opportunities 

Encourage the heart - when the going gets tough and it does sometimes, we will be there to support and uplift creating a way forward in your heart and ours

Model the way - we live true to our word, we operate honestly and transparently and we speak our truth in a way that is respectful 

Inspire a shared vision - when we challenge it will be from heart with the bigger vision in mind communicating In a way that encourages others to follow and to believe in 

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  • Julie Hogbin

    Julie Hogbin

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Julie is passionate about driving great leadership. Her most recent undertaking being the Genius Apprentice Program where she is nurturing the next generation through entrepreneurial apprenticeships that align them with industry leaders who are committed to taking action for the future generations.