Every aspect of your body and your life is interconnected. Therefore, for optimal health and wellbeing no aspect should be looked at in isolation.
My purpose and my passion is health and supporting others to be the healthiest they can be so they can in turn fulfil their passions and dreams so together we can improve the health and wellbeing of our beautiful mother earth.
I believe in a personalised and holistic view of health, combining the best of ancient traditions such as Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and herbalism with the latest scientific health and anti-ageing breakthroughs. My tool kit also includes hypnotherapy, psychology and energy healing so my client receives what they need to heal, boost health and vitality: mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Are you …
Overwhelmed and anxious
Sick and tired of being sick and tired,
Struggling with lack of focus, clarity and brain fog,
Embarrassed by inopportune hot flushes
Just want to feel well, or even improve athletic performance.
I’m here to support, motivate and inspire you to discover your own genius and what are the right foods and lifestyle for you to put you on the journey of optimal health for life.
As Roger Hamilton and Jo Formosa founder of Health Dynamics says, "the ultimate foundation that you need to find your personal path to your full potential is truly know yourself. Only when you know yourself, and own your unique gifts and weaknesses, can you move from where you are to where you want to be. Health Dynamics is designed to take you on that journey."
My Story
I have been interested in health all my life. My dolls and teddy bears were always sick and at age 8 I joined the British Red Cross. Upon leaving school I trained as nurse specialising in orthopaedics and occupational health. Until my mid thirties I believed the medical profession had all the answers, but my own battle with chronic abdominal pain and the doctors not being able to work out what was wrong showed my otherwise. The pain killers they gave me made me drunk and hung over at the same time, not something I would recommend especially with 2 young children to care for. In desperation on recommendation of a friend I visited a reflexologist. To say I was sceptical would be an understatement, but within a couple of visits I felt better and even a back injury from nursing was less of an issue. She then suggested I had endometriosis. Endo what was my response, but she turned out to be right. I became an avid explorer, user and learner of alternative and complimentary health to improve mine, my family and clients health.
Unfortunately I also lost my husband in 2005 after a years battle with leukaemia and this made me even more determined to encourage and help others to make health a priority so they won’t have to go through what we did.
Over the years I’ve done a degree in Psychology, trained as a holistic Hypnotherapist, Counsellor, Heart IQ coach, Art of Feminine Presence teacher, Reiki healer and for the past 5 years I’ve been a Personalised Health coach. I’ve recently completed the training as a Health Dynamics Consultant to enhance my skills further.
I also work with a breakthrough 100% safe health product that allows the body to heal itself by supplementing our essential cell signalling molecules. I love how it has given me the health and vitality I only dreamed of. I am also regularly blown away by some incredible testimonials. Want to learn more give me a call.
Together lets build a vibrant community of people who want to make their health and wellbeing a top priority in their lives.
Want to find out how I can help and support YOU and your unique needs please book a complimentary 20 minute Discovery call
or email me at