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Ausana Marketing Institute
Byron Bay NSW, Australia
Company Type: Marketing & Advertising
Brand Coaching. Metrics-based Marketing for Impact and Profit. Ausana Marketing Institute offers serious CEOs or business owners a complementary 'Digital Review' to assess your footprint on the Digital Universe.

"Congruent Brands. Conscious Profits". Ausana Marketing helps bulletproof both personal brands for Leadership/ CEOs/ Entrepreneurs, and their Company brand message.  Professional, cutting edge, targeted alignment of founder/ company story with brand story that matches your customer needs. A bulletproofed CEO - or brand - in this era of uncertainty must demonstrate that they understand self, purpose, why their product or service exists, how it serves each client's needs, plus the very human skills of listening, empathy, and creation of trust. 

Ausana Marketing offers serious CEOs or business owners a complementary 'Digital Review' assessing your footprint on the Digital Universe. Your impact, reputation, values, and actions contribute to [or damage] your personal character, authenticity, plus how you are perceived on the Digital Universe. 

All profit actions require you to crystalise something from a concept, thought, or idea. Business is the manifestation of dreams and concepts, into something delivering value so that your buyers want to exchange money for your goods or services, whilst having an experience that is memorable and something they would like to repeat. Asana Marketing specialises in the elements that manifest a concept tthrough to reality, and a clear-headed understanding of profit metrics. We have the business skills to show you

    How these patterns show up What they say about you [your personal brand] What they say about your company [That you are CEO/ Founder/ or Senior Executive of] And, what you can do about improving your presence and influence. 

Are there softwares, reputation repair companies, and algorithms that can do this? YES! However - they do not empower you, leaving you reliant on using that software or company [if you trust them]. 

Ausana Marketing specialises in your Congruent Brand and presence, and shows you how you appear - or how you don't - through the lens of your customer's eyes. In the Digital Review, you will see your customer better, learn more about yourself, your business and your products because you will be in their shoes. 

You cannot help but grow empathy for yor customers and their deeper needs. 

Our favourite type of business or CEO to work with is a company that is wondering how it could start to do better in being a more responsible global citizen. We like to help companies that are seeking to know how they can start being 'Business as a Force for Good' and still make profit and keep their staff in good jobs. 

Ausana Marketing will be opening limited membership of its Think Tank Mastermind in 2021 - connecting leaders of businesses with Congruent Brands making Conscious Profits under mentoring, leadership and shared top-level support from your peer group combined with tailored Ausana Marketing team expertise. 

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  • Susan wanmer sw7 model 7939

    Be 'That' Brand - Branding Business for Good!


  • Susan Wanmer

    Susan Wanmer

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Susan Wanmer

Mark Shepherd posted about the Founder:

"I got to witness Susan at the Exponential Entrepreneur Bali 2018 event and immediately sensed her strong sense of ethical integrity from her contributions and intentions toward enhancing impact..."