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Queendom Academy
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Queendom Academy offers creative, immersive, experiential, in-person and online learning curriculum for all BEings who are ready to experience True Love, Pleasure and Purpose.

The time has come…  the world is ready to remember what it feels like to be seen, held and supported in the Presence of Pure Love, Pleasure, and Purpose.  

You can stop hiding now…   the world is ready for your unique gifts that only YOU can offer.

Give yourSelf permission to come alive and reawaken your connection to the power of love, your body, your senses and their inherent Magik.

Queendom Academy offers creative, immersive, experiential, in-person and online learning curriculum for all BEings who are ready to experience True Love, Pleasure and Purpose. These programs are deeply connective, nourishing, radically inclusive and unlike any on Earth.  They gently guide you from your producing, doing, “make it happen” mind, and in to the power of your FEELing, BEing, personal Genius and FLOW of heart, body and Spirit;  deeply aligned with Nature and all things.  

We can only love at the level of which we love ourSelf. 

When we choose to rise into Love with ourSelf first, our life has the potential to be Divinely guided, pure bliss.

When we choose to dedicate ourSelf to Self Love first, we are able to reconnect with our hearts and innate intuitive abilities. We are able to remember our value, talents and Purpose. As we remember these Truths, we become empowered to own them. Then we see these Truths in others and help empower them to rise into Love with themselves first, and remember why they came here.

These transformative experiences give us a supportive, safe and Sacred space where we are given permission and the keys to unlock our greatest potential, shine our brightest light and become the most loving, pleasure-filled version of ourSelf. 

You will receive tangible tools to connect with and trust your feelings, intuition and empathetic powers while discovering your own personal Truth and Genius.

We at Queendom Academy are open to all BEings with no judgment of color, race or sex, whether indigenous, melanated or white, whether you love men, women, both, neither or anything in-between and beyond. Whether you identify as gay, straight, non binary, transgender or still trying to find the words. 

YOU are welcome here. 

Our commUnities span financial classes, locations and generations. They come from different upbringings and faiths, or none. They’ve all experienced love, loss, trauma, tears, laughter, joy and pleasure and have been shaped by life;  just like you.  And through their multitude of different experiences, they become one another’s teachers, guides, mentors, best friends and chosen family.  

A transformational commUnity of siblings, committed to supporting each other to RISE togetHer through the powHer of LOVE.  

We respect, honor and balance the Divine masculine and feminine energies within us all. TogetHer, we remember our highest truth; We Are LOVE, We Are One. One Nation. One Tribe. One Family. One LOVE.

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    Queendom Academy


  • Damiana Rahshelle Kadish

    Damiana Rahshelle Kadish

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