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Company Type: Education
Empowering Women in Tech to speaking at Conferences
Top Purpose: 13 Gender Equality

Tech Events need more WOMEN Speakers. 

As a tech enthusiast and woman myself, I have experienced firsthand the lack of representation at these events. It always left me questioning why more women weren't given the opportunity to share their knowledge and expertise. But instead of simply complaining about it, I decided to take matters into my own hands.

I founded our company with the aim of empowering women in tech to become confident speakers. Through our comprehensive training program, we work closely with each participant to develop their speaking skills, hone their expertise, and prepare them for the stage. Our team comprises experienced industry professionals who understand both the challenges faced by women in tech as well as what it takes to captivate an audience.

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    Finding Your Voice: The Importance of Public Speaking

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    Your Tech Story: How to Share Your Expertise with Impact

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    Finding Your Voice: The Importance of Public Speaking

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    Building a Personal Brand Through Public Speaking

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    Finding Your Voice: The Importance of Public Speaking

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    Finding Your Voice: The Importance of Public Speaking

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  • Barkha Herman

    Barkha Herman

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