Dear fellow Educator,
Imagine an education system that provided each and every young person with a personalised path to learn, in their most natural, most comfortable and most unique way. A system where no child has to ever again feel low self esteem because they are struggling to learn. Where children are not made to feel stupid because their latest test scores did not match the country norm.
An Education system that instead celebrates that their Genius lies in their utter uniqueness. In how they think and who they are. A place where their genius is celebrated as their true potential and their greatest contribution. A space that creates true lifelong learners and leaders, who already know that they are Geniuses!
Imagine if you were part of creating that education revolution with us...
Well now you can be!
Genius School is launching the upgraded online Genius Educator Certification. I now invite you to become part of an extraordinary group of Entrepreneurs and Educators, who will lead the education revolution and move us swiftly towards achieving the goal of Quality Education worldwide. !
The Genius School four day ten day certification programme will show you as an educator how you can personalise education experiences and monetise your impact on future generations of changemakers.
For every educator that applies, and every individual that becomes certified, we are pledging to make giving impacts through B1G1 towards projects that directly impact Quality Education worldwide.
You will find the full details of what you receive as a Genius Educator below and how to apply to win a fully paid scholarship to this programme.
I believe entrepreneurs have the power to have a massively positive impact on the world, particularly within the Education system. This is the power of the Entrepreneur Movement. The biggest need we have is to attract the right Educators - Leaders like you - and the greatest value we can provide you in return, is the resources, training and connections on GeniusU, to help you and your young leaders of tomorrow to create a better world for all of us!
Join us today as a Genius Educator and be at the forefront of the Education Revolution!