This is what CEO Magazine had to say about Deb Morandin:
"Deb started her empire in 2003 after recovering from a spinal accident. She hit the ground running with her signature program The Butterfly Experience, which she developed specifically for women, and went from zero to seven figures in her first six months in business. Thanks to the thousands of positive outcomes from this and other programs she was involved in, Deborah and the Butterfly Experience were honoured with numerous awards, which included the Australian Entrepreneur of the Year Award, and she was chosen for four years running as the Australian Ambassador for Australia Day for her work in helping to create jobs and business success."
And now Deb has the privilege of taking people to Richard Branson's homes across the world, learn how to strengthen your circle of influence.
Come join us as we kick off our very first social event learning how to tap into media and make an impact in our world.