Artificial Intelligence is here to stay. As we found with the advent of TV, the Internet, and smartphones – each new technology begins as a disruptor until we examine both sides of the coin. This session will discuss the advantages and disadvantages but more importantly, look at possibilities for schools and suggest some strategies that could be used to amplify critical thinking and problem-solving skills for students.
At the conclusion of the session, participants will:
** be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of AI for student learning,
** be able to discuss the possibilities for AI in learning, and
** be aware of teaching strategies that could be used.
The presenter, June Wall, is an Adjunct Lecturer, School of Information Studies, Charles Sturt University. She has been a teacher at primary and secondary levels, a lecturer, a professional development and education consultant, Head of Department, Head of Teaching and Learning, special librarian, teacher librarian, and computer coordinator in the government and non-government sectors for over 40 years. She is also a Genius School Certified Educator.
Times for this digital event: 10 am UK | 7 pm AEST | 5 pm SGT
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Click on the Buy Ticket button to register - $40.00 for this live professional learning digital session.