
Janey Little Member
Janey Little
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Certifications & Assessments

  • Health spectrum test
  • Health dynamics test

Janey's Genius



Loves people, but gets distracted quickly, like Marilyn Monroe & Oprah Winfrey.

Janey's Profile



Creators are great at getting things started, and terrible at finishing.



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    MMP Infrared to Red: C...

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    Your Genius

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    Your Genius


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    The Millionaire Master...


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Dr Janey Little and I first met at the Roger Hamilton’s Fast Forward conference in Johanesburg in December 2017. I was intrigued by her description of herself, a Holistic Health Doctor empowering lives in a natural and non-toxic approach to preventing & healing from disease. Well, unbeknown to myself, I was soon able to check out her ideas and approach to managing a critical illness. Dr Janey is very approachable and easy to talk to about anything. She took the time to explain to me something about cancer that I was totally unaware of, that is that cancer was not a disease but rather active areas of the body deprived of oxygen that mutate into cancer cells to survive the oxygen deprivation. Her explanation was so concise and simple to understand. Whilst she accepted that standard treatments of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy were industry standard, actual survival rates are as low as 2%. She also reiterated that your body is your best friend and as long as you listen to your body, working with it rather than against it (as we do when we opt for toxic therapies that suppress your body's immunity at the very time you need it most), then most critical diseases can be overcome naturally. She said that chemo and radiation treatment were like calling in the big toxic guns to seemingly eradicate symptoms of something that we hadn’t even established the cause of. I honestly feel that Dr Little’s methodology is more akin to health creation, as she confidently says “we know how to cure these conditions (naturally), it's a problem of politics and big money!” Her parting shot that really made sit up was “our consciousness needs to catch up with respecting and harnessing our innate inner wisdom in healing".

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