
Anthony Donataccio
| Trader
Brisbane QLD, Australia
Mentor rank #297 of 1690
Supporting Introverted Business Owners, Managers & Leaders In Accomplishing More, With Less Stress
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Certifications & Assessments

  • Health spectrum test
  • Health dynamics test

Mentor experience

Exploring New Insights & Possibilities for Creative Change. What I've personally discovered to be TRUE for myself, so am now sharing with people, is that when we THINK LESS with a CLEAR MIND, we will PERFORM BETTER and ACCOMPLISH MORE. Hi there, Anthony Donataccio here. Imagine for a moment discovering it was really simple to experience more enjoyment and engagement in your business and personal life, regardless of the external circumstances. Imagine no longer being rattled by the stress and challenges life throws your way and instead start to work and live free from overwhelm and anxiety. My mission is to support you as the LEADER of your life and business to start to see where WELL-BEING, HAPPINESS and LOVE really reside, so that you can stop seeking and chasing them, and get back to LIVING. As a Self-Leadership Coach and Facilitator, I love supporting Business Owners, Managers & Leaders to Accomplish More, with Less Stress and Overwhelm. Having travelled to more than 45 countries and having explored deep conversations with various business owners and leaders, from many different industries and cultures, I’ve enjoyed discovering a new level of understanding around perspectives and insights. These new insights and perspectives are often very simple in nature but once they are seen, usually by experiencing an “ahh” moment, can create dramatic shifts in one's mind. Too many times in business we try to do everything ourselves, for a whole myriad of reasons. The truth is that you’re in the business for a reason, and regardless of how big or small the business is, everyone needs help at some stage. Sometimes that help requires specific expertise. Other times, it’s having the support from someone that can help you discover new insights. FACT: You’re the EXPERT in your life. You know it more intimately than anyone else, but sometimes you need help seeing the stuff that already exists, that you haven’t yet seen. Whether you’re in the very early stages of starting your business, where you’ve taken course after course, invested thousands of dollars and hours into education and it feels like you’re just spinning your wheels. Or you’ve been operating for 20 yrs, you’re working 60+ hours a week, and you’re feeling so stuck with the feeling that everything is changing so fast around you and you just don’t know how to dig yourself out of the rut. This is where discovering New Insights and Perspectives as a Self-Leader can be so powerful in exploring new and exciting ways to THRIVE. I believe everyone has the ability to positively impact lives, both directly and indirectly, and it shouldn’t be at the expense of their own happiness. As a Transformative Self-Leadership Coach and Facilitator, my job is to help YOU DO what YOU DO, even BETTER. If you're CURIOUS then let's connect and begin exploring together. So, when you are the leader of a business, having someone independent who is direct, tells you the truth, and challenges you to expand your thinking is a powerful resource to have. As Galileo put it, "We cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover it within themselves." And when I see leaders begin experiencing their own new insights, they start seeing everything differently. This is where the MAGIC happens. - MORE FRESH IDEAS. - OVERALL BETTER PERFORMANCE. - EXPERIENCING A MORE FULFILLED LIFE. Put another way, I help my clients access the true potential of their minds, and from that place they discover new levels of thriving with less stress, all while fostering a work and home life which is richer and more fulfilling than they’ve ever experienced before.

Top Purpose

Good Health & Well-being

Healthy lives and well-being for all ages

Top 5 Passions

  • Health


  • Travel


  • Partner


  • Freedom


  • Service


Anthony's Genius



Grounded, but often gets lost in activity, like Nelson Mandela & Mother Teresa.

Anthony's Profile



Traders have their ear-to-the-ground, with strong Tempo energy.

Top 10 values

  • Clarity
  • Freedom
  • Confidence
  • Variety
  • Authenticity
  • Fairness
  • Happiness
  • Trust
  • Control
  • Loyalty



  • 2

    The Millionaire Master...

  • 16

    Your Passions

  • Entrepreneurship

    How To Earn Affiliate ...

  • Management

    Entrepreneur Dynamics

  • Personal development

    10x Your Impact


  • 8

    Wealth Dynamics

  • 15

    Your Genius

  • Degree icon 1717617596

    Your Genius

  • 13

    Find Your Flow


Giving Impacts


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