
Olive Coursolle
| Mechanic
Mentor rank #1519 of 1690
Startup Entrepreneur
Entrepreneur level: Startup
Augur, Cosmic Soul Mentor, Spiritual Coach, Energy Medicine Practitioner
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Certifications & Assessments

  • 14
  • Health spectrum test
  • Health dynamics test

Mentor experience

Starchetype Certified Practitioner, The Starseed Mystery School Certified Book of Life Coach, Deborah King Center (2023) Certified Guide to the Inner Realm, Deborah King Center (2023) Chios Master of Healing Consciousness, The Chios Institute (2020) Certified Spirit Guide Coach, Deborah King Center (2019) Shamanic Energy Medicine, The Four Winds Society Light Body School of Energy Medicine (2019) Life Coaching Certificate, International Career College (2014) Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, De La Salle University (2011) Diploma in Meridian Psychotherapy, The School of Natural Health Sciences (2010) Diploma in Stress Management, The School of Natural Health Sciences (2010) Diploma in Professional Relaxation Therapy, The School of Natural Health Sciences (2010) Reiki Master Teacher, Healing Hands Academy (2010) Chios Master Teacher, The Chios Institute (2009) Kundalini Reiki Master Teacher (2007) Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies, Ateneo de Manila University (1997)

Top Purpose

Good Health & Well-being

Healthy lives and well-being for all ages

Top 5 Passions

  • Spirit


  • Health


  • Learning


  • Wealth


  • Relaxation


Olive's Genius



Takes care of the detail, but often over-cautious, like Mark Zuckerberg & Benjamin Franklin.

Olive's Profile



Mechanics are the best at completing things.

Top 10 values

  • Acceptance
  • Awareness
  • Clarity
  • Growth
  • Spirituality
  • Order
  • Thoughtfulness



  • 18

    MMP Red to Orange: Con...

  • Operations

    Global Entrepreneur Su...

  • 6

    Genius Guide to Success

  • Health and fitness

    Breathing Discovery

  • Health and fitness

    Health Dynamics Spectr...

  • Degree icon

    Partner Like a Pro wit...

  • 17

    Your Purpose

  • Entrepreneurship

    Genius Metaversity Mas...

  • 2

    The Millionaire Master...

  • 14

    Entrepreneur Mentor Ce...

  • 13

    Find Your Flow

  • Entrepreneurship

    Introduction to Vibrat...

  • 16

    Your Passions

  • Health dynamics

    Health Dynamics Microd...

  • Entrepreneurship

    How To Earn Affiliate ...

  • Academics

    GeniusU Mentor Onboarding

  • Business

    The 4 Keys to Success

  • Entrepreneurship

    Global Entrepreneur Su...


  • Health dynamics

    Health Dynamics Toxici...

  • Degree icon

    Genius Metaversity - G...

  • 19

    Yellow to Green: Scali...

  • Management

    Entrepreneur Dynamics

  • 8

    Wealth Dynamics

  • 15

    Your Genius

  • Degree icon 1717617596

    Your Genius


Giving Impacts


Member of (View All)

  • Wd4ew small flower 3

    Wealth Dynamics for Evolutionary Women

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    Entrepreneur Campus

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    Entrepreneur Campus

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    GeniusU Partner Campus

  • Geniusu

    Genius 5.0: Startup Entrepreneurs



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    Wealth Dynamics 5.0 Workshop - 18th Oct '22


  • Mentor circle icon

    Wealth Dynamics 5.0 Workshop - 8th Nov '22


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    GLOBAL ENTREPRENEUR SUMMIT - 1st & 2nd Dec 22 [Virtual]


  • Desktop image 5 9 23 at 1.48 pm

    Monthly Partner Call


  • Mentor circle icon

    Global Entrepreneur Summit Virtual



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Olive Coursolle

Olive Coursolle
posted Soul Mission Alignment: Embracing Your Magic

Nov 8, 2023 at 10:42 in Philippines


You've always known that you're called to greatness. There has always been this fire that burns fiercely in your heart, a knowing that your life is supposed to be more than what it has been. You hear this gentle voice within...

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Olive Coursolle

Olive Coursolle
posted in mentor circle: Spirit Genius: Nurturing the Spiritual Entrepreneur Within

Nov 8, 2023 at 08:34 in Philippines

We are all called to our greatness through our soul mission, our soul purpose. We are invited to take our place in the magnificent cosmic web of Life and give of ourselves. Let's embrace our magic that we may support and nurture the beauty and the light within others as we were all born to do.
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Olive Coursolle

Olive Coursolle

Nov 7, 2023 at 08:27 in Philippines

I can see and appreciate how the intersection of my Spirit, Autumn, Winter, and Spring passions create the most uplifting path for my life as a wayshower of the power of looking within for answers to help others move forward in life and thrive by embodying their magic.

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Olive Coursolle

Olive Coursolle

Nov 6, 2023 at 04:32 in Philippines

I'm very honored to share that my passions are Spirit, Health, Learning, Wealth, and Relaxation.

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Olive Coursolle

Olive Coursolle

Nov 6, 2023 at 04:26 in Philippines

Everyone is a genius and has so much to contribute in all endeavors. Leveraging our genius is worth learning.

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Olive Coursolle

Olive Coursolle

Nov 6, 2023 at 04:19 in Philippines

As a Steel, I can see how collaboration has many learning opportunities for me, and recognizing these potential challenges makes me better prepared to overcome them.

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Olive Coursolle

Olive Coursolle

Nov 6, 2023 at 04:18 in Philippines

My passion for teaching others what I can do instead of simply doing it for them makes sense as part of my Steel Genius. I am in even more appreciate of my desire to share what I know with the world.

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Olive Coursolle

Olive Coursolle

Nov 6, 2023 at 04:15 in Philippines

I can really get behind my non-negotiables of comfort and reliability now that I understand that these are part of my Steel Genius. This is really quite empowering to understand qualities that I had not always associated with the best of me before.

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Olive Coursolle

Olive Coursolle

Nov 6, 2023 at 04:13 in Philippines

I truly appreciate and embrace even more why I am the way I am about certainty and control. Those double Virgos in my natal chart (ascendant and moon sign) now make more sense as being part of my Steel Genius!

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