
Sunil Panchal Citizen
Sunil Panchal
| Creator
Startup Entrepreneur
Entrepreneur level: Startup
Passionate about helping clients create work they love. with meaning, using their natural talents!
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Certifications & Assessments

  • Health spectrum test
  • Health dynamics test

Top Purpose

Decent Work & Economic Growth

Economic growth & decent work for all

Top 5 Passions

  • Spirit


  • Creativity


  • Service


  • Fun


  • Awareness


Sunil's Genius



Great at starting things, but not so good at finishing, like Albert Einstein & Richard Branson.

Sunil's Profile



Creators are great at getting things started, and terrible at finishing.

Top 10 values

  • Growth
  • Adventure
  • Creativity
  • Inspiration
  • Wonder
  • Beauty
  • Fun
  • Love
  • Authenticity
  • Connection



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    Entrepreneur Dynamics

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    Your Genius

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    MMP Infrared to Red: C...

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    MMP Red to Orange: Con...


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How do you find your direction to a satisfying and rewarding career, when from where you’re standing, you really don’t know where you’re trying to get to?

Perhaps you’ve been trying to figure it out, getting nowhere fast, and in the...

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Sunil Panchal

Sunil Panchal

Aug 10, 2024 at 13:12 in Spain

Creative Use of the Mind: Give it a break!

The Mind is a powerful tool for creation, but are you using your mind in a creative way that serves you? Many light-bulb moments have culminated in us being
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Sunil Panchal

Sunil Panchal
posted Creative Use of the Mind: Give it a break!

Aug 10, 2024 at 13:10 in Spain

The Mind is a powerful tool for creation, but are you using your mind in a creative way that serves you?

Many light-bulb moments have culminated in us being able to see into the night, deep into space and our minds.

But how...

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How can you be yourself? And just who is that?

Quite a lot of my writing is an attempt to answer my own questions! I have a lot of them. Questions seem to come to me naturally, perhaps that’s why I’m a...

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Sunil Panchal

Sunil Panchal

May 14, 2024 at 09:48 in Spain

The concept of living in flow offers an alternative to our usual struggle of fighting with our shadow and life. When we understand how things work, we begin to get a glimpse up the sleeve of the magician’s magic. We can start to live a path of inner peace and fulfilment, allowing our lives to unfold with grace and ease, aligned with our deeper spiritual nature. In this article, I explore what I’ve learnt so far, to uncover the core concepts of living in Flow, and in the latter part, explore practical strategies for integrating this perspective into our daily lives.

Living in Flow — Secrets (concepts & strategies) to an exhilarating Soulful Life!

Pushing against the Tide Living in flow is probably not how most people would describe their life! We can experience life as a struggle, as if we’re pushin
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Pushing against the Tide

Living in flow is probably not how most people would describe their life! We can experience life as a struggle, as if we’re pushing against the tide. I have to admit, my life has been like that...

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Sunil Panchal

Sunil Panchal
posted Live your Best Life – Align to the Divine Mind

Mar 21, 2024 at 10:41 in Spain

Not a Separate God

What would it be like to live aligned to the Divine Mind?

Let me define God first, because I know some of you will stop reading at the mere mention of the word! But it is a just a word after all. So, let’s not...

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Desktop divine mind
Sunil Panchal

Sunil Panchal

Mar 21, 2024 at 10:40 in Spain

People want to create their dream life, and to do so, they put a lot of emphasis on the external, making a lot of effort, but not really paying much attention to the inner aspect of the creation process. I’ve realised I’ve probably been doing the same until recently! But can you use your mind to create your reality? Is that something we can learn? If so, then we can use it to become who we want to be, and create the life we want to experience. The answer is, of course, your mind creates your reality, more than we are aware of. Since how you think influences how you feel, and subsequently how you view the world, and act within it, thus creating your virtual reality! So if this is the case, wouldn’t it make sense to align to our Highest Mind to create reality from?

Live your Best Life - Align to the Divine Mind

Not a Separate God What would it be like to live aligned to the Divine Mind? Let me define God first, because I know some of you will stop reading at the
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Sunil Panchal

Sunil Panchal

Feb 15, 2024 at 11:27 in Spain

For a long while, Intuition has been considered not scientific. However, I think the world-view is changing, and more and more people are coming out of the closet and admitting that it's a faculty that they regularly use in business and their professional lives. I would argue it is cutting edge human technology. One you need to consider to for the coming times!

How to Develop Intuition: 21 Ways to Tune into your Inner Knowing

Consider the possibility that there is one step and direction to take for living your fullest, best life... How committed would you be to taking this step?
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