
Solomon Bamidele
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Mentor rank #1660 of 1688
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Genius Group (NYSE-A: GNS) CEO Roger Hamilton discussed the company's pioneering use of AI in education with Proactive, highlighting AI avatars like Alan Turing as Chief AI Officer for personalized learning. The firm aims to integrate advanced AI...

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Educational specialist Genius Group (GNS) recently made waves on social media by appointing an AI version of British mathematician Alan Turing as its "Chief AI Officer." While GNS stock has previously reacted to controversial decisions, this move...

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Genius Group Limited has appointed an AI Avatar named "Alan Turing" as its Chief AI Officer, reflecting the recent achievement of AI passing the Turing Test. This AI, modeled after the pioneering mathematician Alan Turing, is pre-programmed with...

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Genius Group Limited has launched ‘Genius Cities’ in Abu Dhabi and Dubai for localized AI training, starting with a workshop on June 25, 2024. These cities aim to lead in AI with sovereign ecosystems and plan global expansion.

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Genius Group Limited (NYSE American: GNS) launches AI tools and avatars on GeniusU to empower its 5.4 million entrepreneurial students. Genius Team AI includes 32 AI Avatar Expert Advisors and 12 AI Tools for tasks like content creation and...

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Genius Group Limited (NYSE American: GNS) today announced the launch of AI Avatar Tutor Teams on its GeniusU platform. The integration includes 25 AI-powered tutors and tools, providing personalized support to 5.4 million students. The beta...

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