
Sandra L Member
Sandra L
United States
Experienced Entrepreneur
Entrepreneur level: Startup
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Sandra's Genius



Great at starting things, but not so good at finishing, like Albert Einstein & Richard Branson.

Top 10 values

  • Awareness
  • Contribution
  • Adventure
  • Authority
  • Challenge
  • Collaboration
  • Compassion
  • Faith
  • Service
  • Logic



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Sandra L

Sandra L

Jun 23, 2024 at 22:47 in United States

In the iconic movie Jerry Maguire, there’s a memorable line where Tom Cruise’s character says to Dorothy, “You had me at hello.” It’s a powerful moment, encapsulating instant connection and chemistry. In today’s marketing landscape, that “hello” moment isn’t the magical beginning. It’s the culmination of a journey, like a carefully orchestrated dance you lead with your ideal client long before you ever utter a word. Here’s the truth: you want to have them hooked before you even say hello.

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