
Francine S. Drayton Francine S. Drayton Member
Francine S. Drayton Francine S. Drayton
Location Unknown
Entrepreneur level: Startup
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Certifications & Assessments

  • Health spectrum test
  • Health dynamics test

Francine S. Drayton's Genius



Great at starting things, but not so good at finishing, like Albert Einstein & Richard Branson.



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Giving Impacts


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    Spirit Genius: Nurturing the Spiritual Entrepreneur Within

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Francine S. Drayton Francine S. Drayton

Francine S. Drayton Francine S. Drayton
posted in mentor circle: StudentEntrepreneur

Aug 9, 2024 at 08:02

Just like in io games where every move and decision affects the outcome, cultivating an entrepreneurial spirit requires flexibility, creativity, and the ability to react quickly. Think of it as a personal strategy game, where you constantly learn and adjust to build a successful and sustainable business.

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  • Debin Alsa

    Debin Alsa

    Sep 2, 2024 at 13:16

    Adhering to passport photo rules streamlines the processing and approval of passport applications. When all photos conform to the established guidelines, it simplifies the task for passport authorities who need to review and process applications efficiently. Consistent photo quality and format help to speed up the verification process and reduce the likelihood of delays caused by non-compliant photos. By minimizing the need for additional scrutiny or re-submissions, these rules contribute to a more efficient and timely processing experience for applicants .

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