
Camilla Haugsten
| Creator
Mentor rank #86 of 1690
Startup Entrepreneur
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Certifications & Assessments

  • Health spectrum test
  • Health dynamics test

Top Purpose

Responsible Consumption & Production

Sustainable consumption & production globally

Top 5 Passions

  • Spirit


  • Connection


  • Learning


  • Creativity


  • Environment


Camilla's Genius



Loves people, but gets distracted quickly, like Marilyn Monroe & Oprah Winfrey.

Camilla's Profile



Creators are great at getting things started, and terrible at finishing.



  • 15

    Your Genius

  • Degree icon 1717617596

    Your Genius

  • 17

    Your Purpose

  • 3

    MMP Infrared to Red: C...

  • 18

    MMP Red to Orange: Con...

  • 2

    The Millionaire Master...

  • 16

    Your Passions

  • 19

    Yellow to Green: Scali...

  • 2020

    2020 Ready Accelerator

  • Personal development

    10x Your Impact

  • Management

    Entrepreneur Dynamics

  • 4

    MMP Orange to Yellow: ...

  • Design

    Pitch Decks to Impress...




Member of (View All)

  • Ico 1

    Entrepreneur 5.0

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    #GeniusU Community Concierge

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    Crystal Circle Conference

  • Geniusu

    Consultant Growth Track Programme (formerly GAP)- Members Only

  • Worldgameico2

    The World Game



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    2 Day European Entrepreneur Summit 2018 I London


  • Desktop thumbnail

    Crystal Circle Live Meet - London - 6pm to 7pm UK time



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Recently Added

Sasis Suwonpakprak

I met Camilla through iLab. I never seen someone who's brilliant and very smart. Camilla has positive view and help me to craft my "why". She also make me think more about myself. She's nature person and got a lot of energy when she's among natural. Even we're friend but sometimes I think she coached me in positive and energetic way.

Rames Xelhuantzi

I met Camila during the iLAB program. We had the chance to know each other during the program and for some other days during different trips we did in Bali. I can only say amazing things about her. She is so passionate about the mission she has for her Company and the World environment. She is a natural leader, tenacious, intelligent, fun, very fun, always up for a challenge, passionate and has an amazing personality. She is the type of person that I could trust with my life.

Cathy Sheppard

I met Camilla through iLab and it has been a pleasure to journey with her. She is courageous, passionate, strong, resourceful, caring, and authentic. She is a business woman and a true leader with a passion to make a difference in the world, with a focus on nature and sustainability that is inspiring. She brings so much experience of nature in diverse ways to her work, and looks to empower businesses to integrate sustainability into their practice in a way that is profitable, enabling true change for people.

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