Top Purpose
Reduce inequality within and among countries
Susan's Genius
Great at starting things, but not so good at finishing, like Albert Einstein & Richard Branson.
Susan's Profile
Mechanics are the best at completing things.
Top 10 values
- Awareness
- Focus
- Growth
- Discovery
- Vision
- Collaboration
- Love
- Authenticity
- Fairness
- Accountability
Flow Consultant
Your Legacy
The Winning LinkedIn F...
Community Build & Cust...
Pitch Deck Design & Build
5 Day Get It Done Chal...
5-Day $50k Impact Inve...
5-Day $50k Impact Inve...
Investor 5.0 August 2021
Your Passions
Find Your Flow
Your Genius
Your Genius
Your Purpose
The Millionaire Master...
MMP Infrared to Red: C...
MMP Red to Orange: Con...
Wealth Dynamics
Talent Dynamics
Genius Guide to Success
Entrepreneur Mentor Ce...
Entrepreneur Summer Sc...
Facebook Marketing Mic...
Entrepreneur Dynamics
Health Dynamics Toxici...
Investor 5.0 Registrat...
Health Dynamics Spectr...