
Joel Sutton
| Deal Maker
United Kingdom
Mentor rank #222 of 1690
Experienced Entrepreneur
Entrepreneur level: Student
Youth Mental Health Foundation is a non-profit that support young people’s mental health.
Social media links:
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  • Badge b1g1


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Certifications & Assessments

  • 10
  • Degree icon
  • Health spectrum test
  • Health dynamics test

Top Purpose

No Poverty

End poverty in all its forms everywhere

Joel's Genius



Loves people, but gets distracted quickly, like Marilyn Monroe & Oprah Winfrey.

Joel's Profile

Deal maker

Deal Maker

Deal Maker Text



  • 17

    Your Purpose

  • 16

    Your Passions

  • 2

    The Millionaire Master...

  • 8

    Wealth Dynamics

  • 10

    Flow Consultant

  • Degree icon

    Genius Guide / Youth C...

  • Management

    Entrepreneur Dynamics


  • 15

    Your Genius

  • Degree icon 1717617596

    Your Genius


Giving Impacts


Member of (View All)

  • Asset 1

    Educator 5.0 - Digital Flow Consultants

  • Gs logo blue

    Genius School Campus

  • Me bb close

    #GeniusU Community Concierge

  • Worldgameico2

    The World Game

  • Download

    101 - Best use of your time on GeniusU



  • Desktop background

    How to build a sustainable online community of raving...


  • Desktop gu icon

    2 Day European Entrepreneur Summit 2018 I London


  • Desktop neeraj hs

    LinkedIn Masterclass with Neeraj Shah



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Roosmarijn Haring

Joel is an amazing entrepreneur. He recognizes opportunities & connections in the market immediately. He's about to make a huge social impact with his CloudSpa by making people more beautiful and at the same time making the world a more beautiful place. Like a dealmaker should, Joel is always on the phone and on the move. His energy is contagious to be around. I am enthusiastic about how Joel builds his team and I am grateful that I was able to contribute a little to them building their team and their vision.

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