Lynsey's Genius
Loves people, but gets distracted quickly, like Marilyn Monroe & Oprah Winfrey.
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Having gone through an element of purpose no. 1 created on purpose without giving me or my family a thought due to the sponsors that were supporting me at that time. The area wanted more money and excuses for the abuse they created. I've choose justice and peace. Though the two subjects are linked. I think the latter needs to be re-prioritised due to the impact to the top purpose
No1 purpose is to have justice and peace globally. Living some of the injustice at the moment. It is easy to see why there is conflict everywhere. Speaking out can be seen as malicious communication on important matters, rather than taking value in the communication or information. We are living in a world where communication is becoming seen as a potential crime. This needs to change if the intention or action was clearly not hostile.
In this part of my life, I have accomplished a lot though find myself trying to get back my flow whilst facing many challenges. The assessment does not surprise on where I am upto now and gathering a more appropriate team such as this partnership has been a positive step to ensure I am reaching my flow again.
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