
Alex Todd
16 Rosewell Avenue, Toronto, ON, Canada
Mentor rank #1649 of 1690
Startup Entrepreneur
Empowering entrepreneurs on GeniusU with P2P accountability tech.
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Certifications & Assessments

  • Health spectrum test
  • Health dynamics test

Mentor experience

I have mentored dozens of interns.

Alex's Genius



Great at starting things, but not so good at finishing, like Albert Einstein & Richard Branson.



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Alex Todd

Alex Todd
posted in mentor circle: Good health and Well-Being

Apr 13, 2024 at 16:58 in 16 Rosewell Avenue, Toronto, ON, Canada

Hello GeniusU Community, I'm Alex Todd, Founder of ReliablyME, "EMPOWER CHANGE - One Commitment at a Time," excited to unveil our blockchain-based platform that tracks and rewards reliable commitments. Why ReliablyME? 1. Immediate access for making or requesting commitments. 2. Earn digital badges for reliability. 3. Behavior-changing nudges keep you on track. Try ReliablyME for Free: Message "Hi" to +1 (647) 490-4903 (or for instant commitment-making. Nudging for Change: Experience our nudging process; message me to request a demo. For more details, visit our FAQ: How would you like to use it? We value your feedback as we enhance ReliablyME. Let’s achieve success together. Best, Alex
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  • mahmad kharof

    mahmad kharof

    Sep 19, 2024 at 02:12

    Kies voor een zorgeloze verhuizing: laat uw inboedel veilig en schadevrij verhuizen door Verhuisservice Zaandam. We hebben jarenlange ervaring met het verzorgen van particuliere en bedrijfsverhuizingen van en naar Amsterdam.
  • mahmad kharof

    mahmad kharof

    Sep 19, 2024 at 02:13

    Kies voor een zorgeloze verhuizing: laat uw inboedel veilig en schadevrij verhuizen door Verhuisbedrijf Zaandam. We hebben jarenlange ervaring met het verzorgen van particuliere en bedrijfsverhuizingen van en naar Amsterdam.
  • mahmad kharof

    mahmad kharof

    Sep 19, 2024 at 02:13

    Kies voor een zorgeloze verhuizing: laat uw inboedel veilig en schadevrij verhuizen door Verhuizen Zaandam. We hebben jarenlange ervaring met het verzorgen van particuliere en bedrijfsverhuizingen van en naar Amsterdam.

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Alex Todd

Alex Todd
posted in mentor circle: Creator

Apr 13, 2024 at 16:58 in 16 Rosewell Avenue, Toronto, ON, Canada

Hello GeniusU Community, I'm Alex Todd, Founder of ReliablyME, "EMPOWER CHANGE - One Commitment at a Time," excited to unveil our blockchain-based platform that tracks and rewards reliable commitments. Why ReliablyME? 1. Immediate access for making or requesting commitments. 2. Earn digital badges for reliability. 3. Behavior-changing nudges keep you on track. Try ReliablyME for Free: Message "Hi" to +1 (647) 490-4903 (or for instant commitment-making. Nudging for Change: Experience our nudging process; message me to request a demo. For more details, visit our FAQ: How would you like to use it? We value your feedback as we enhance ReliablyME. Let’s achieve success together. Best, Alex
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Alex Todd

Alex Todd
posted in mentor circle: Star

Apr 13, 2024 at 16:57 in 16 Rosewell Avenue, Toronto, ON, Canada

Hello GeniusU Community, I'm Alex Todd, Founder of ReliablyME, "EMPOWER CHANGE - One Commitment at a Time," excited to unveil our blockchain-based platform that tracks and rewards reliable commitments. Why ReliablyME? 1. Immediate access for making or requesting commitments. 2. Earn digital badges for reliability. 3. Behavior-changing nudges keep you on track. Try ReliablyME for Free: Message "Hi" to +1 (647) 490-4903 (or for instant commitment-making. Nudging for Change: Experience our nudging process; message me to request a demo. For more details, visit our FAQ: How would you like to use it? We value your feedback as we enhance ReliablyME. Let’s achieve success together. Best, Alex
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Alex Todd

Alex Todd
posted in mentor circle: Supporter

Apr 13, 2024 at 16:57 in 16 Rosewell Avenue, Toronto, ON, Canada

Hello GeniusU Community, I'm Alex Todd, Founder of ReliablyME, "EMPOWER CHANGE - One Commitment at a Time," excited to unveil our blockchain-based platform that tracks and rewards reliable commitments. Why ReliablyME? 1. Immediate access for making or requesting commitments. 2. Earn digital badges for reliability. 3. Behavior-changing nudges keep you on track. Try ReliablyME for Free: Message "Hi" to +1 (647) 490-4903 (or for instant commitment-making. Nudging for Change: Experience our nudging process; message me to request a demo. For more details, visit our FAQ: How would you like to use it? We value your feedback as we enhance ReliablyME. Let’s achieve success together. Best, Alex
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Alex Todd

Alex Todd
posted in mentor circle: Genius School Campus

Apr 13, 2024 at 16:56 in 16 Rosewell Avenue, Toronto, ON, Canada

Hello GeniusU Community, I'm Alex Todd, Founder of ReliablyME, "EMPOWER CHANGE - One Commitment at a Time," excited to unveil our blockchain-based platform that tracks and rewards reliable commitments. Why ReliablyME? 1. Immediate access for making or requesting commitments. 2. Earn digital badges for reliability. 3. Behavior-changing nudges keep you on track. Try ReliablyME for Free: Message "Hi" to +1 (647) 490-4903 (or for instant commitment-making. Nudging for Change: Experience our nudging process; message me to request a demo. For more details, visit our FAQ: How would you like to use it? We value your feedback as we enhance ReliablyME. Let’s achieve success together. Best, Alex
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Alex Todd

Alex Todd
posted in mentor circle: Genius Group

Apr 13, 2024 at 16:54 in 16 Rosewell Avenue, Toronto, ON, Canada

Hello GeniusU Community, I'm Alex Todd, Founder of ReliablyME, "EMPOWER CHANGE - One Commitment at a Time," excited to unveil our blockchain-based platform that tracks and rewards reliable commitments. Why ReliablyME? 1. Immediate access for making or requesting commitments. 2. Earn digital badges for reliability. 3. Behavior-changing nudges keep you on track. Try ReliablyME for Free: Message "Hi" to +1 (647) 490-4903 (or for instant commitment-making. Nudging for Change: Experience our nudging process; message me to request a demo. For more details, visit our FAQ: How would you like to use it? We value your feedback as we enhance ReliablyME. Let’s achieve success together. Best, Alex
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Alex Todd

Alex Todd
posted in mentor circle: Genius 5.0 Scale Up Entrepreneurs

Apr 13, 2024 at 16:53 in 16 Rosewell Avenue, Toronto, ON, Canada

Hello GeniusU Community, I'm Alex Todd, Founder of ReliablyME, "EMPOWER CHANGE - One Commitment at a Time," excited to unveil our blockchain-based platform that tracks and rewards reliable commitments. Why ReliablyME? 1. Immediate access for making or requesting commitments. 2. Earn digital badges for reliability. 3. Behavior-changing nudges keep you on track. Try ReliablyME for Free: Message "Hi" to +1 (647) 490-4903 (or for instant commitment-making. Nudging for Change: Experience our nudging process; message me to request a demo. For more details, visit our FAQ: How would you like to use it? We value your feedback as we enhance ReliablyME. Let’s achieve success together. Best, Alex
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Alex Todd

Alex Todd
posted in mentor circle: GeniusU Partner Campus

Apr 13, 2024 at 16:52 in 16 Rosewell Avenue, Toronto, ON, Canada

Hello GeniusU Community, I'm Alex Todd, Founder of ReliablyME, "EMPOWER CHANGE - One Commitment at a Time," excited to unveil our blockchain-based platform that tracks and rewards reliable commitments. Why ReliablyME? 1. Immediate access for making or requesting commitments. 2. Earn digital badges for reliability. 3. Behavior-changing nudges keep you on track. Try ReliablyME for Free: Message "Hi" to +1 (647) 490-4903 (or for instant commitment-making. Nudging for Change: Experience our nudging process; message me to request a demo. For more details, visit our FAQ: How would you like to use it? We value your feedback as we enhance ReliablyME. Let’s achieve success together. Best, Alex
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Alex Todd

Alex Todd
posted in mentor circle: GeniusU New Members

Apr 13, 2024 at 16:51 in 16 Rosewell Avenue, Toronto, ON, Canada

Hello GeniusU Community, I'm Alex Todd, Founder of ReliablyME, "EMPOWER CHANGE - One Commitment at a Time," excited to unveil our blockchain-based platform that tracks and rewards reliable commitments. Why ReliablyME? 1. Immediate access for making or requesting commitments. 2. Earn digital badges for reliability. 3. Behavior-changing nudges keep you on track. Try ReliablyME for Free: Message "Hi" to +1 (647) 490-4903 (or for instant commitment-making. Nudging for Change: Experience our nudging process; message me to request a demo. For more details, visit our FAQ: How would you like to use it? We value your feedback as we enhance ReliablyME. Let’s achieve success together. Best, Alex
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  • Emari Felix

    Emari Felix

    May 30, 2024 at 18:05

    Hi there, I want to share a fantastic resource that will assist you in producing top-notch essays. Visit If you're looking for help with your essay writing, the experts here will do an outstanding job for you. 99papers involve presenting arguments, narratives, or analyses on specific topics, and having professional guidance can make a significant difference. I've had a very positive experience with them myself.

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Alex Todd

Alex Todd
posted in mentor circle: Startup Pro Coaching

Apr 13, 2024 at 16:51 in 16 Rosewell Avenue, Toronto, ON, Canada

Hello GeniusU Community, I'm Alex Todd, Founder of ReliablyME, "EMPOWER CHANGE - One Commitment at a Time," excited to unveil our blockchain-based platform that tracks and rewards reliable commitments. Why ReliablyME? 1. Immediate access for making or requesting commitments. 2. Earn digital badges for reliability. 3. Behavior-changing nudges keep you on track. Try ReliablyME for Free: Message "Hi" to +1 (647) 490-4903 (or for instant commitment-making. Nudging for Change: Experience our nudging process; message me to request a demo. For more details, visit our FAQ: How would you like to use it? We value your feedback as we enhance ReliablyME. Let’s achieve success together. Best, Alex
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  • Debin Alsa

    Debin Alsa

    Jul 27, 2024 at 22:01

    Compliance with these regulations not only helps avoid substantial fines but also aligns with best practices in data protection. Furthermore, a demonstrated commitment to cybersecurity can serve as a defense in legal proceedings, showing that an organization has taken reasonable steps to protect data and mitigate risks

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