Mentor experience
Bestselling author of #Masterpiece | Founder of #Masterpiece Movement | Exhibited artwork in Tesla and Google | Creative Director of United Cities and largest Congress on the Future of Money | Master Trainer for GU | Helped thousands of people to articulate their Personal Purpose | Helped dozens of organizations to create a Collective Mission | Worked on all of the SDGs for the United Nations, WHO, UNICEF, Red Cross | I have painted in extreme locations all over the world to explore what it takes to be creative everywhere. In the process, I discovered that the painting does not stop at the end of the canvas - the whole world is a blank canvas on which we can create the entire world. When we stop resisting the environment around us, it stops resisting us. In that moment, we realize we are it and we can influence any aspect of it.
Top Purpose
Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure
Resilient & sustainable industries
Top 5 Passions
Alexander's Genius
Great at starting things, but not so good at finishing, like Albert Einstein & Richard Branson.
Alexander's Profile
Creators are great at getting things started, and terrible at finishing.
Top 10 values
- Spirituality
- Creativity
- Freedom
- Inspiration
- Vision
- Beauty
- Collaboration
- Love
- Service
- Peace
Giving Impacts
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Alexander is truly a 21st century renaissance masterpiece creator. His brilliance is not singular but rather multi faceted. He has a unique ability to see things from entirely different vantage points, and he has the gift of being able to relate these seemingly contrarian observations to your “real world”. I have found that the result of any interaction with Alexander is that you not only learn but also grow immensely. And he does it all with a smile.
Alexander has been an instrumental part in remembering who I am. He has helped me reclaim my "dark side" as a path to see my own light. I can never be thankful enough for the clarity he has given me during our sessions together. Thank you very much and I highly recommend that you hire him if you want to go to your next level!
Alex, is a true artist, not only with his work, but with his words as well. He has a great talent of assessing and taking in the heart of a situation and then summarizing it in a heartfelt, impactful way that reaches his audience. I get the sense that if you work with Alex, you will be heard and understood, but even more so, be given the skills to take your business to the next level. Much success on your journey to developing a microdegree on the GeniusU platform. Your are Creative Genius that deserves a WOW! ;0)